Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Conformity, by definition, means to alter your appearance, personality and/or behaviour to put yourself forth as the modicum of societal compliance, whether it be in regards to rules, standards, beliefs or laws.

Nonconformity is, by definition, the complete opposite of the above statement. Whereby a nonconformist goes out of their way to not comply with any of society's rules, standards, beliefs or laws.

Yet, as a society, we have reached a point in our development that being a nonconformist is to conform to the stereotype of the young generations. We have reached a point where rebelling against society is considered normal and justified.

So, if we accept that by being nonconformist you are conforming as true, then wouldn't by being a conformist make you nonconformist? How confused and twisted must our society be to take words and then make them mean the opposite of what they do but by accepting this the words then change their meaning?

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