Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What is wrong with us?


Why do we reward those who do not try?

Why do we make things easier for those who should be trying harder?

Why do we pretend to understand things we do not?

Why do we push thoughts and ideas onto other people?

Why do we not give others the chance to choose?

Why do we see the worst in others before the best?

Why do we waste our existence on the trivial?

Why do we attempt to define our existence?

Why do we claim importance?

Why do we explore space before we understand everything here?

Why do we ignore sorrow, sadness and suffering?

What is wrong with us?

Why doesn't anyone see that rewards won't help but do the opposite?

Why doesn't anyone see that we won't help anyone by not making anyone try harder?

Why doesn't anyone see that not knowing everything is better than knowing it all?

Why doesn't anyone see that anyone is intelligent enough to come up with their own ideas?

Why doesn't anyone see that being able to choose is the definition of freedom?

Why doesn't anyone see the best in people before the worst?

Why doesn't anyone see that we shouldn't waste away our existence?

Why doesn't anyone see that our existence is undefinable?

Why doesn't anyone see that we aren't as important as we would like to think?

Why doesn't anyone see that we need to understand where we come from before we can understand anything else?

Why doesn't anyone see the sorrow, sadness and suffering of others?

What is wrong with us?

The only way we can reward those who don't try is by giving them something to try at. Without that something they will never try and never amount to anything.

The only way we can help anyone is to make them work harder, so that they can learn from their mistakes, rise to the occasion, overcome their challenges, accomplish their goals, and realise their dreams.

The only way we can enjoy life is by living, and the main purpose of living is to learn. Not understand everything is a gift. "Ignorance is bliss" is a colloquialism for a reason. The joy in learning something new, in coming to understand something that was previously out of reach is something that should be valued, not feared. The day that humanity understands everything is the day that humanity shall die.

The only way we can allow anyone to grow is to provide them with the space to grow in. It isn't growing if all they do is repeat the mantra or gospels that they are provided with? By not allowing people to invent their own ideas and push the boundaries of their imagination we are restricting their growth, and in turn restricting the growth of humanity.

The only way we can be truly free is to be able to choose to be. How can we be presented with such a choice if our ability to choose anything is restricted or removed entirely? Humanity requires choice to grow. Without choice, we are just slaves to our instincts.

The only way we can see the best in anyone is to first see the worst in ourselves. We are incapable of seeing the best in others because we are afraid that someone may be better at something than us. To be able to see the best before the worst in others is the equivalent of relinquishing our fears of inadequacy within ourselves.

The only way we can not waste our existence is to enjoy every moment, live each day to the fullest and never regret your mistakes.

The only way we can define our existence is by defining it as undefinable. The purpose of our existence is unclear, the reason we are here is undecided. Yet we are all here, and must make our existence mean something.

The only way we can claim importance is by being the first to admit how humble we truly are.

The only way we can understand anything not part of this planet is to first understand everything on this planet. Without that prior knowledge, despite all other knowledge, we remain ignorant of ourselves.

The only way we can see anyone else's sorrow, sadness and suffering is to stop ignoring the needs of everyone else and to address the issues within ourselves first.