Saturday, February 27, 2010

Just Exactly Who Am I?


The question is one that can be difficult to answer, especially when you ask yourself and all you receive back is a blank stare.

My name is Josh White, simple and easy to remember. I'm 16, youthful with many years of experience that lay before me. These words, to some, might help them to understand who I am. But they mean next to nothing to me. How can who I am be defined by two words and a single number? This is what I don't understand.

People are the sum of their memories, experiences and friends, yet our society feels that they can represent all of this information by using two words given to us by strangers at our birth.

To be honest, I don't know who I am. I know who I was but not who I will be. I, like everyone else, will eventually change. I, like everyone else, don't know the future. I, unlike everyone else, am Josh White. Other people might call these two words their own, but to me they are mine.

To you, these words mean nothing. However, soon, you shall know me. But remember, knowing does in no way lead to understanding.